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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1989-04-08  |  551KB  |  639x825  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | person | sky | windowpane
OCR: AppleShare Print Server Version 2.0 File 1 Printer Window Dueue 1or Queue Sta ImagewriterLO Spooler Queue +85 Stat LaserWriter PlUS Spooler Queue LaserWriter JNT Spooler Queue Stat LaserWriterll NTH Spooler Queue m Status: The print server is printing on Biz Mktng Use Date/Timr Pages Mart Neubiese 5/13/88 35-41 AM Overview Features Benefits With the AppleShare Print Server Print spooling Improves workgroup productivity: you Macintosh, can continue Apple lle working Apple on IIGS* your users documents can Eliminates are continue waiting being working printed because while it accepts their or MS DOS computer while your documents from multiple users at the same documents are being printed time even while the printer is busy on an AppleTalk -networked Simultaneous support for up to Assures ..- ...